264 research outputs found

    Courcelle's Theorem - A Game-Theoretic Approach

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    Courcelle's Theorem states that every problem definable in Monadic Second-Order logic can be solved in linear time on structures of bounded treewidth, for example, by constructing a tree automaton that recognizes or rejects a tree decomposition of the structure. Existing, optimized software like the MONA tool can be used to build the corresponding tree automata, which for bounded treewidth are of constant size. Unfortunately, the constants involved can become extremely large - every quantifier alternation requires a power set construction for the automaton. Here, the required space can become a problem in practical applications. In this paper, we present a novel, direct approach based on model checking games, which avoids the expensive power set construction. Experiments with an implementation are promising, and we can solve problems on graphs where the automata-theoretic approach fails in practice.Comment: submitte

    Randomization in Non-Uniform Finite Automata

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    The non-uniform version of Turing machines with an extra advice input tape that depends on the length of the input but not the input itself is a well-studied model in complexity theory. We investigate the same notion of non-uniformity in weaker models, namely one-way finite automata. In particular, we are interested in the power of two-sided bounded-error randomization, and how it compares to determinism and non-determinism. We show that for unlimited advice, randomization is strictly stronger than determinism, and strictly weaker than non-determinism. However, when the advice is restricted to polynomial length, the landscape changes: the expressive power of determinism and randomization does not change, but the power of non-determinism is reduced to the extent that it becomes incomparable with randomization

    A Faster Parameterized Algorithm for Treedepth

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    The width measure \emph{treedepth}, also known as vertex ranking, centered coloring and elimination tree height, is a well-established notion which has recently seen a resurgence of interest. We present an algorithm which---given as input an nn-vertex graph, a tree decomposition of the graph of width ww, and an integer tt---decides Treedepth, i.e. whether the treedepth of the graph is at most tt, in time 2O(wt)n2^{O(wt)} \cdot n. If necessary, a witness structure for the treedepth can be constructed in the same running time. In conjunction with previous results we provide a simple algorithm and a fast algorithm which decide treedepth in time 22O(t)n2^{2^{O(t)}} \cdot n and 2O(t2)n2^{O(t^2)} \cdot n, respectively, which do not require a tree decomposition as part of their input. The former answers an open question posed by Ossona de Mendez and Nesetril as to whether deciding Treedepth admits an algorithm with a linear running time (for every fixed tt) that does not rely on Courcelle's Theorem or other heavy machinery. For chordal graphs we can prove a running time of 2O(tlogt)n2^{O(t \log t)}\cdot n for the same algorithm.Comment: An extended abstract was published in ICALP 2014, Track

    Motif Counting in Preferential Attachment Graphs

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    Hardness of FO Model-Checking on Random Graphs

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    Lower Bounds for Conjunctive and Disjunctive Turing Kernels

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    Maximum Shallow Clique Minors in Preferential Attachment Graphs Have Polylogarithmic Size

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    An Open Pouring Problem

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    We analyze a little riddle that has challenged mathematicians for half a century. Imagine three clubs catering to people with some niche interest. Everyone willing to join a club has done so and nobody new will pick up this eccentric hobby for the foreseeable future, thus the mutually exclusive clubs compete for a common constituency. Members are highly invested in their chosen club; only a targeted campaign plus prolonged personal persuasion can convince them to consider switching. Even then, they will never be enticed into a bigger group as they naturally pride themselves in avoiding the mainstream. Therefore each club occasionally starts a campaign against a larger competitor and sends its own members out on a recommendation program. Each will win one person over; the small club can thus effectively double its own numbers at the larger one’s expense. Is there always a risk for one club to wind up with zero members, forcing it out of business? If so, how many campaign cycles will this take?ISSN:1868-896

    Hard Problems on Random Graphs

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    Many graph properties are expressible in first order logic. Whether a graph contains a clique or a dominating set of size k are two examples. For the solution size as its parameter the first one is W[1]-complete and the second one W[2]-complete meaning that both of them are hard problems in the worst-case. If we look at both problem from the aspect of average-case complexity, the picture changes. Clique can be solved in expected FPT time on uniformly distributed graphs of size n, while this is not clear for Dominating Set. We show that it is indeed unlikely that Dominating Set can be solved efficiently on random graphs: If yes, then every first-order expressible graph property can be solved in expected FPT time, too. Furthermore, this remains true when we consider random graphs with an arbitrary constant edge probability. We identify a very simple problem on random matrices that is equally hard to solve on average: Given a square boolean matrix, are there k rows whose logical AND is the zero vector? The related Even Set problem on the other hand turns out to be efficiently solvable on random instances, while it is known to be hard in the worst-case